Our Blog

Our Blog

Our Blog We hope this Blog is informative, educational and entertaining. It will deal primarily with all things relating to energy and in particular, electricity, which, let’s face it, makes the world go round. Bundles of Energy You and I areĀ  bundles of energy. In simple terms, the 37 trillion plus cells in our bodies need energy to function. By complicated processes, electro- chemical reactions are produced from the food we consume to provide energy to the cells. The cells themselves are composed of atoms – “the smallest possible piece of an element that retains all the properties of that element.” Atoms carry energy. Atoms are composed of smaller particles called electrons, protons and neutrons. Electricity (or electric current) as we commonly know it is the flow of electrons powered by a generator or a battery through a closed circuit with an on/off switch connected to an appliance ( a tv, kettle, phone etc.) that makes it work. If you want a more scientific explanation there are plenty of good sources on the internet. What is Electricity? Power Outage Our lives come to a virtual halt when we have an electricity failure. Unless we have alternative energy sources, our appliances and machines stop working, our electricity powered communication and transportation systems fail, and we are unable to feed, warm and entertain ourselves. This was brought home to me when there was a recent power outage in our area one night which lasted for two hours. I looked out the window and saw that only two houses had light – one was my home where I had the foresight to...